
True Living History

Over the last few years we have had an increasing number of Schools, Clubs and Organisations requesting talks from our group on a wide range of topics. So far we have covered: Soham Ghosts, The Tudors, The English Civil War, The Anglo Saxons, Romans, Victorians, WW1 & WW2, St Felix, The Ancient Greeks and Egyptians!

We endeavour to not only inform, but entertain too. All of our talks include: the history based around the subject, original items, activities and authentically costumed narrator’s. As a dedicated group, we believe in everyone getting the most from the experience and are very hands on with all the things that we do. We don’t just talk at you… we include you.

If you would like to know more please contact us via our facebook page – (2) Facebook
Talk price – £50.

Topics covered are:
Invasion – The Roman Conquest
The Dark Ages – Anglo Saxons
Turbulence, Succession and Reformation – The Tudors
Brother Against Brother – The English Civil war

History Boxes
(Class room or static items resource for all, on a specific topic)
It involves making up a box with original items, information and artefacts relating to a particular period in History, Soham based themes, past memories or things of national historical importance and interest.

As a group we undertake selective walks for groups and organisations throughout the year. You will need to book a time and date with us and the number people expected. Please use our facebook page/messenger to contact us if you are interested.

We also support others – The wonderful renowned annual Soham Halloween Ghost Walk organised and run by Soham Ghost Walks is one of the best. Not only is it a fascinating night of spooky fun, but you hear about our Town’s history too. All the money raised from each ghost walk goes to a Soham Organisations, Clubs, Schools or Soham based causes. We have been a beneficiary of the walk twice, for which we thank them whole heartedly. See their facebook page and book early. Places go within minutes!!!
(2) Soham Ghost Walks | Facebook
(2) Soham Heritage & Tourism | Facebook


The English Civil War talk – ‘Wow just wow.” , ‘An amazing talk and packed full of information., the detail and costumed too’, ‘We need to book you in for next year too.’  –  WI

Elizabethan Living History Weekend –“This is just my thing. ” “It is so nice to take our boys to such a great event and learn so much in such a truly interesting and hands on way.” Mr & Mrs P 

St Felix and Anglo Saxon day –
All the children in Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed travelling back in time, exploring the display and listening to the informative presentations that you and Barbara gave in role!  In particular, they loved the opportunity to dress up in Anglo-Saxon costumes, write in Runes with quills, make clay bosses and learn about illuminated manuscripts.  Your presentations were perfectly pitched for the audience of 8 and 9 year olds, all of whom were able to apply what they had already learnt in class and find out facts about their local area, which were obviously a revelation to some of them!  The link between ancient history and modern day Soham really brought home to the children that Anglo-Saxons were actual people who existed in the distant past.

Thank you once again for providing such an enjoyable and informative learning opportunity for the children.
Kind regards. Mrs H. (teacher)

“I have learnt so much about the town I live in today, wonderful”; Mrs B.
“Hey, nice ladies, best day ever!” – This comment was shouted across the road to us as we left the school by students.

The Tudors –
‘My word, so much knowledge explained so beautifully and in an interesting and imaginative way.” – Niddy
“Oh my…. look at all of this and they haven’t even begun the talk yet! So much effort made, thank you.”  – Mrs R G.
“I could listen to you talk about the Tudors all day. So much information and so visual. Wonderfully presented, well done Soham Heritage and Tourism.”  – M.H.