20th Century Clothing display – 2 day event (£1 entry fee)
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Date(s) - 23/06/2017 - 24/06/2017
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Soham Library

Soham Heritage and Tourism have a vast array of original items of clothing, costumes and associated articles. All have been specifically donated to us only, from Soham residents over the years. We also have an increasing collection of exact reproductions, which we use for our walks and talks. Therefore, to satisfy the many request received, we are putting on a two day display at Soham Library, in both rooms, of as many original items as we can squeeze in. This will be your opportunity to view the pieces we have to offer which, in this instance, date from 1900 and up!

There will also be a costume box over flowing with interesting garments, for our younger visitors to delve into (Both boys and girls are catered for).

Entry is Free and co insides with the opening times of the Library for the two day event on Friday 23rd June (3pm to 5pm) and Saturday 24th June (10am to 12noon).

